

1. Intro

As you may have seen in the getting started document, it's possible to declare multiple routes for a single website. Since each route is able to define it's own output URL path dynamically, hardcoding link URLs won't get you very far.

In order to link to a document generated by a weblorg-route, we provide url_for. It can be used either in templates as a filter or in Org-Mode files as a link handler. Let's look at an example route:

 :name "posts"
 :input-pattern "posts/*.org"
 :template "post.html"
 :output "output/posts/{{ slug }}.html"
 :url "/posts/{{ slug }}.html")

4. Image URLs in Org-Mode files

The hyperlink type url_for always renders the <a> HTML tag. If the resource referenced is an image and the tag <img> is preferred, please use url_for_img. Both take exactly the same parameters. e.g.:


Here's how they are rendered differently by weblorg:

<a href="static/sundown.png">orange</a>
<img src="static/sundown.png" alt="orange">

Notice that url_for_img only exists as an Org-Mode hyperlink type.

5. Base URL

All the links of a route are prefixed with a base URL defined within the route's :site property. Although weblorg supports multiple site instances, when a route is created without explicitly receiving one, it uses a default one.

The default URL for the site that's implicitly created for routes is controlled by the variable weblorg-default-url. It's default value is http://localhost:8000 but it can be set before calling weblorg-export.

6. Convenient switch for the Base URL

During the development of a website, it's common to use a local address and then switch to different one before rendering the final version. Since that can happen a few times throughout the life of a website, the snippet below can be used to make it easy to switch:

;; defaults to http://localhost:8000
(if (string= (getenv "ENV") "prod")
 (setq weblorg-default-url "https://emacs.love/weblorg"))

And then set the environment variable ENV to override the default when needed:

ENV=prod emacs --script publish.el

7. Empty Routes

If one wants to link to content that isn't generated by weblorg, they can still use url_for by creating a route that doesn't match with any files (thus doesn't create any output) but provide the desired :url field.

Let's say we have a directory slides within our static website with some presentations we want to link from a blog post. We would need to add something like this to the publish.el script:

 :name "slides"
 :url "/slides/{{ presentation }}")

And then url_for could be used to generate links for those resources as well:


8. Anchors

url_for treats the keyword parameter anchor as a special case. Instead of using it as a variable for rendering the template expression within :url, it appends the value of the parameter after the pound sign (#) to the end of the generated URL. E.g.:

[[url_for:posts,slug=long-story,anchor=half-way][Long Story]]

That will be rendered to something like this:

<a href="http://localhost:8000/posts/long-story.html#half-way">Long Story</a>